Saturday, November 11, 2006

Unhappy Times for Outgoing Presidente Fox

Mexican president Vicente Fox was heralded five years ago as a visionary come to restore true democracy to Mexico after eighty years of one-party rule. It's been an unfortunate year for the president who's come under much criticism during his fnial year in office. This past week has been oen of the worst yet. While this won't directly impact your missionary, this story is a great snapshot of the environment he's working in right now.

Read full story on The UK News

On a related subject, Mexicans are great at telling self-depracating jokes. I found the following nugget while researching for this post. Translated into English, it reads:

One day, God, being particularly fed up with humanity and it's sins decided to put an end to the world. He called all the world's leaders to tell them of his decision. "I've called you all here to inform you that in 24 hours I will put an end to humanity." "But Lord...." "No. No buts. Your time has ended. Go back to your peoples and let them know so they will be ready."

Bush arrived at the white house a short time later and announces on a nation-wide broadcast, "Citizens of the United States, I must tell you some good news and some bad news. First, the good news is that God does exist just like we thought. The bad news is that within 24 hours this great American nation, our beautiful dream will cease to exist."

Later, Fidel Castro arrives in Havana and addresses his nation. "Comrades and Cuban citizens, I have two peices of bad news. The first is that God does indeed exist. The second is that within 24 hours this magnificent revolution for which we have long fought and struggled will cease to exist."

Vicente Fox arrives at Los Pinos a short time later and addresses his country: "Mexicanos and Mexicanas! People of Mexico! Today, today, today... I have good news and more good news! The first is that I am sent of God, yes, even a messenger for I have seen Him and I have spoken personally with Him! The second is that according to my campaign promises, in 24 hours, listen well, there will be an end to all unemployment! There will be no more illiteracy! No more drug trafficking, crime, water shortages, highway congestion or poverty! And best of all I am rescinding the Federal Sales Tax on ALL products effective immidiately and there will be no more hunger or misery! The PAN delivers on it's promises!!!!!!!

Ok, I laughed out loud when I read that one just imagining Fox's deep booming voice. Hope you like it. My personal feelings are that Fox has done a good job in a difficult environment and has avoided the scandal-plagued term of every Mexican president since the beginning of time. He had a large mountain to climb and did his best to get as far as he could. Regardless of what criticisms the press holds, he's been good for Mexico and generally well-liked by his people. For what it's worth, I wish him the best in whatever he endeavors after leaving office.


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